[sustran] European Parliament considers health warning for automobile adverts...

Todd Edelman, Green Idea Factory edelman at greenidea.info
Thu Jun 7 18:43:24 JST 2007


This has been a topic on some of these lists before so thought you might 
be interested...

"...The report that the parliament will vote on also calls for a big 
change in the way cars are advertised.

A fifth of ads would have to be given over to a variation on the health 
warning on cigarette packets. It wouldn't actually point out the dangers 
of CO2 emission, but would highlight the car's fuel efficiency (or lack 
of it) and its CO2 emissions. It would also be made illegal for adverts 
to boast about cars being able to go faster than the national speed 
limit, although not being an avid reader of car ads I don't know whether 
they really do this on a regular basis anyway...."


... It seems that they will need more warnings, just to keep things... 
uh... fresh, so we ought to monitor this and give some suggestions...

- T


Todd Edelman
Green Idea Factory

Korunní 72
CZ-10100 Praha 10
Czech Republic

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Skype: toddedelman

edelman at greenidea.info

Green Idea Factory,
a member of World Carfree Network

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