[sustran] Car-sharing

Madhav Badami badami at unixg.ubc.ca
Mon Jul 6 02:28:37 JST 1998

Recently, Eric Britton of Ecoplan International raised the issue of car-sharing.

Re: this, the following, from "Harper's Index" in the latest issue of
Harper's magazine (July 1998), might be of interest: 

Maximum business deduction allowed US employers per employee parking space
they provide: $ 175
Maximum deduction allowed employers for van-pool or mass-transit expenses,
per employee: $ 65.

Go figure !

I wonder if anyone can refer me to similar data for other OECD countries.

Madhav Badami

Madhav Badami
UBC Centre for Human Settlements
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3
Ph: (604) 822-6081/(604)224-1042
Fax: (604) 822-6164
e-mail: <badami at unixg.ubc.ca>

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