[asia-apec 1406] Challenge Grant: Support Food First

Anuradha Mittal amittal at foodfirst.org
Thu Mar 9 05:59:19 JST 2000


Allan Shawn Feinstein Third Annual Matching Challenge Grant

	Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy is a leader in 
the fight to eliminate the injustices that perpetuate hunger amidst 

	I know that you support our work, and I want to invite you to 
participate in a challenge that will double all donations (all are tax 
deductible) we receive during the month of March, 2000.

	Hunger philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein has announced a one million 
dollar challenge to double every special gift given during March 2000 
for the special "March to Fight Hunger" challenge.  Food First is proud 
to have been selected to participate.

	Gifts made by California residents will also be matched by Terrence 
Caster, who is donating an additional $1 million dollars. For Minnesota 
residents, John Lavender is matching gifts with $1 million, and Horace 
Kimball Foundation will match $1 million for Rhode Island resident’s 
gifts. That’s a total $4 million dollar challenge.

	If you can afford to send a gift in March, it will be matched by Alan 
Shawn Feinstein, and others, whatever the amount.  Remember, your 
special matching gift must be received in the month of March to count 
toward these challenge grants. You can donate by credit card number 
either on our web site or by mail (simply send us your card number and 
expiration date). Or you can simply write a check made out to Food First 
for this challenge grant. This is a chance to double the impact of your 

	I want you to know that we sincerely appreciate the support you have 
already provided to our work.  If you have friends who would like to 
participate, please share this form with them and make sure we get their 
name and address so we that can thank them.

	Thank you so much,
	Peter Rosset
	Executive Director

You must include this coupon with your tax deductible gift to qualify 
for the matching challenge.

send to:

	Peter Rosset
	Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy
	398 60th Street
	Oakland, CA 94618

	Ph: 510-654-4400
	Fax: 510-654-4551
	web site www.foodfirst.org
	e-mail: foodfirst at foodfirst.org


[  ] 	Peter,  enclosed is my check as a donation made out to "Food 
First" for $________ to be matched by $4 million that has been pledged 
by Alan Shawn Feinstein, Terrence Caster, John Lavender and Horace 
Kimball Foundation to fight hunger in the U.S.

[  ]    Peter, please charge my []visa []mastercard $__________ as a 
donation to Food First to be matched by $4 million that has been pledged 
by Alan Shawn Feinstein, Terrence Caster, John Lavender and Horace 
Kimball Foundation to fight hunger in the U.S..

			name on card ____________________

			card number  ____________________  exp _____

			signature    ____________________

Name		____________________

Address		____________________

City/State/Zip	____________________

Join the fight against hunger. For more information contact foodfirst at foodfirst.org.
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