appasec appasec at tm.net.my
Fri Sep 25 19:15:26 JST 1998

22 September 1998


It is most shameful! The government has once again resorted to the ISA to
detain its opponents without trial. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and eleven
others have been detained allegedly for being involved  in  organising
illegal assembly and threatening public order. There are numerous laws and
acts to deal with such types of offenses. Why not use them? Why the need
for ISA?

The police is practically promising more arrests. Even Anwar's wife, Dr Wan
Azizah has not been spared the intimidation that she would be arrested if
she carried on with making public speeches. There are indications now that
the ISA net will be widened. 

PRM condemns the detention of Anwar and the others under the ISA. We also
view very seriously the use of ISA to intimidate and buttress the culture
of fear among the people. We call upon Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad
to act with restrain and good sense for the sake of the political and
economic future of this country.

We would like to know, what has happened to all the allegations,
accusations and innuendoes piled against Anwar relating to sex, homosex,
treason, passing of secret information, sedition, interfering with police
investigation and umpteen others? Do not tell us that investigations are
still under way.  How long more and  how many more ISA arrests will be
needed before  formal charges can be made against him?  

Allegations against Anwar's sexual misdemeanours were made public by none
other than the Prime Minister himself  more than a year ago. He and the
police are on record as having said that there was no basis for the
allegations and that they were untter rubbish. The book "50 Dalil Mengapa
Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi Perdana Menteri" has been published and distributed,
almost with official approval, more than tree months ago. 

Yet no thorough investigation or severe action seems to have been taken on
the publisher and   the writers. Ironically, it is Anwar who has been
punished and publicly humiliated. Now he and those who are supposed to be
his close associates have been detained under the ISA. What kind of justice
is this? What type of dictatorship does Dr Mahathir wants to take this
country to?

Dr Syed Husin Ali
President, PRM

22 September 1998

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