[sustran] Fwd: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Hindu_More buses, fewer cars please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sujit Patwardhan patwardhan.sujit at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 20:50:39 JST 2015

*More buses, fewer cars please*

An excellent article in the Hindu.
Do read.


PS: Please also read the comments... shows how many readers are supporting
the BRT for a change  !!!!!!!!!

*The most common point of criticism has been that the road is too narrow
and has too much vehicular traffic to be able to afford two dedicated lanes
for buses. Assuming that vehicular traffic is indeed slower when the BRT is
operational (which is not always true), we must recognise that making the
additional lane available for vehicular traffic is only a temporary
solution to the problem of traffic congestion. The root cause of congestion
is the increasing use of cars. Buses along this stretch carry twice the
number of people as cars do, while occupying much less road space. Public
transportation is the long-term solution to the problem of traffic
congestion, and the BRT encourages it.*



Sujit Patwardhan
patwardhan.sujit at gmail.com
sujit at parisar.org <sujitjp at gmail.com>
Yamuna, ICS Colony, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 007, India
Tel: +91 20 25537955
Cell: +91 98220 26627
Parisar: www.parisar.org
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