[sustran] Re: Hyderabad and the interest by authorities

Kanthi Kannan kanthikannan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 20:02:24 JST 2011

Dear all




The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation ( GHMC) is split into zones.
Recently an IAS officer has been appointed the Zonal Commissioner of the
Central Zone. He seems to be interested in doing the walkways for a part of
the city.


The issue is that 


The tender by the government will only result in the lowest tender getting
the order and doing a shoddy job. So what we are trying and I think also
almost convinced him is that the tender should have both technical and a
financial part to it.


The GHMC had undertaken a complete footpath survey of a 3.6 Km stretch and
have submitted the report. The report is interesting because the GHMC has
actually identified many parts of the stretch as being poor in terms of
walking conditions.


After seeing this report we have been actively pursuing the Zonal Comm and
have also given him a presentation of basic street design too. Now I think
that we need help from experts who have the necessary power with the
government to push the issue through.


Can any one help us in this regard?


In Hyderabad we feel that the time has come for action because there are a
number of people both in the print and in the TV who are talking about this
issue and demanding positive change.









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