[sustran] Plan B for sustainable mobility in cities

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Tue Sep 28 21:28:00 JST 2010

The Plan B approach, as I understand, it does not in its early stages at
least differentiate between the various categories or delivery systems of


The first step is to ask the Plan A team - whether for rail, roads, some
favored technology  or other - to share with us opening their specific
objectives and priorities, including the all important time vector, for the
project they have in mind.  Overall investments in all stages of the
project, year by year budgets, and their specific performance, service,
environmental, financial or other requirements and impacts. (This is very
rough as sketched out here but we can develop of course.)


The Plan B team then looks at this and in cooperation with local partners
and collaborators, including the media, comes up with a series of
alternative proposals (in sum, ways of getter spending that couple of
billion dollars and getting earlier and broader impacts). So if for example
the Hanoi budget is one billion Euros for 13 kms of line, we will examine
their targets, time lines, etc., and come up with something that gives a LOT
better value for that money. (Should not be hard to do).


Now this can be done for road, bridge or technology as well as mega-transit
and perhaps misguided investment projects (if for politicians sexy, and for
suppliers simply delicious). Moreover, our Plan B will surely have a
significant interface with the existing road and parking infrastructure,
both of which are of course parts of the necessary solution. 


All we need is to find some creative personality working with these major
international funding sources who is willing to entertain and support such a
test run. There are a lot of candidates, and I would also like to say that
it will be important that the host city sees us as friends and allies for a
better and fairer city, and not someone who wishes to rip their shiny toys
out of the clenching hands.


Does this advance this at all? 



 <http://www.britton.newmobility.org/> Eric Britton |
<http://www.worldstreets.org/> WorldStreets.org |
<http://www.newmobility.org/> NewMobility.org  | Skype: newmobility  

8, rue Jospeh Bara  | Paris 75006 France | +331 7550 3788



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