[sustran] "In the slums of Nairobi"

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sat May 29 19:40:14 JST 2010

"In the slums of Nairobi"

1600/iht-chappatte-nairobi-small.jpg> What do you do when you are losing a


If it is your assumption that we are at present losing the war for
sustainable transport and sustainable lives -- and that is very definitely
our position here at World Streets -- and if it is your firm intention not
to lose it -- as it is ours! -- then what do you do when the going gets
tough? Well you look around and put to work every potentially promising tool
you can lay your hands on. Now we make a pretty consistent effort in these
pages to bring creative media that supports our noble cause to your
attention, but what about doing more along these lines taken from today's
edition of the International Herald Tribune? 

__,_._,___ Freely available in World Streets <http://www.worldstreets.org/>
today at www.WorldStreets.org and www.facebook.worldstreets.org 

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