[sustran] A random act of culture

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sun Dec 5 20:29:28 JST 2010

World Streets: Heavy traffic on the way to sustainable cities and
sustainable lives . . .


Both here in my communications to you all in our dear Sustran and in our
work on World Streets more generally, and it is important that in reporting
to you on it I stick to our point. 


However from time to time, things come up which may at first glance seem to
be off focus, but when you ponder them a bit - at least I hope - you will
see that there is indeed a connection. Ne example of this is our growing
gallery of world street photographs in our 'social space' format, which I
think you know are at http://tinyurl.com/ws-slides. Now that's culture,


Part of the W/S thesis of change is that culture is more important than
either, say, technology or even the law. So anything which makes us more
aware of our culture, of our neighbors, of our humanity, of our capacity to
share ideas and values is a step in the right direction. For example, this
little video which depicts a random act of culture. Diverse people of many
origins and backgrounds coming together for a single joyous, random event. I
think we can all learn from that, so have at it!


A random act of culture http://www.philly.com/philly/video/106492678.html





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