[sustran] Re: UN "ambassador" for public transport?

Lee Schipper schipper at wri.org
Mon May 14 01:14:34 JST 2007

Enrique Penalosa?

>>> Lew Fulton <Lew.Fulton at unep.org> 5/10/2007 8:31:51 AM >>>
Hello all,

A UN colleague of mine is interested in exploring finding someone with star
power who is (or could logically be) an advocate for public transport and
might be interested in becoming a "UN Ambassador" on the topic.

Any suggestions?



Lew Fulton
Program Officer, Sustainable Transport
Division of GEF Coordination
UN Environment Programme
PO Box 30552-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
tel: +254 20 762 3257 (From Europe and N.America, you can dial via Italy,
often a better connection: +39 0831 24 3000, wait for voice then dial 124
fax: +254 20 762 4041/42
lew.fulton at unep.org 

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