[sustran] "The Future Intelligent Transport Systems initiative" - one more short-sighted interest-fed government-industry boondoggle

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Fri Oct 13 18:12:41 JST 2006

This kind offer came in from Andrew Curry in the World Transport Forum
immediately after I posted my rather critical but no altogether negative note of
10 October, and I think his proposal might be a useful thing indeed. In fact,
Andrew, I want not only to express my appreciation of your willingness to poke
into this project with us, but also I would note the quite exceptional nature of
your offer. It has been my sad experience over the years that once something
like this has been splashed onto the screen or laid in concrete, those behind it
either flee or wall themselves up and simply cannot be engaged.


So kind thanks, and may I suggest that we carry out these exchanges in the New
Mobility Idea Factory, for which the posting address is
NewMobilityCafe at yahoogroups.com. The best way to access it is via the top menu
of the Agenda which sits waiting for us at http://www.newmobility.org.


I had in fact not responded immediately since I was eager to see what kind of
reactions that all this might bring, and am happy to see that there have been a
few of our colleagues jumping in. I am eager to give this a full and fair go
because I think it is one of those kinds of issues (long term vs. short term)
which lurk at the heart of our current disarray before the challenges of the
mobility sector in all its many parts. And also because I am sure that the
additional information that you are going to put before us will be both
challenging and food for thought. Something deeper and better should come out of


So off we go. I await with great interest your first comments, and in the
meantime I will hike over to www.foresight.gov.uk and educate myself.  (It’s
about time!)


Eric Britton


PS. Just in case it is not quite clear (surely the case for most of us), the
attached note has been prepared to provide a quick overview of how the various
discussion fora under the New Mobility Agenda are organized. We try hard to keep
good order in all this, but do not always succeed. (As surely you have noticed
from time to time.)





-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Andrew Curry
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:07 PM
 Subject: "The Future Intelligent Transport Systems initiative" - one more
short-sighted interest-fed government-industry boondoggle



I need to declare an interest here before I start to respond: I was one of the
futures consultants who worked with the UK Foresight, which is an independent
body inside the Department of Trade and Industry, to create (with a wide range
of stakeholders) the scenarios component of the Intelligent Infrastructure
Systems project. All the outputs are now online at www.foresight.gov.uk. I'm
responding here personally rather than professionally. 

Full disclosure over. The ITS contracts are only a part of the work being done
to develop transport policy in the context of future constraints. The soft
systems work which underpins the scenarios (which wasn't done by me) is robust
and challenging - and looks at the whole context. A number of the stakeholders
and advisers - including some well-respected social scientists - ensured that
the agenda of the project was as much about alternatives to mobility as
easing/encouraging mobility. Without getting into the detail of the four
scenarios of themselves, at the heart of each of them is a different 'core
driver' of transport use and policy; from ICT innovation, to built environment,
to high resource cost, to carbon controls/road rationing. 

I also know, through my work (and therefore can't say much more) that the
Department of Transport is engaging with other government departments in the UK
to try to develop a cross-government view of future transport policy which
extends well beyond the relatively narrow part of the work which was mentioned
at the ITS. But the Intelligent Transport Systems Congress isn't really the
right place to talk about the other stuff. 

Eric, if you've looked at the scenarios and systems work, and the science
summaries, I'm happy to have a debate about whether it covers the right sort of
areas. If you haven't, would you like to do that?

With best wishes 

Andrew Curry


On 10/10/06, Eric Britton <eric.britton at ecoplan.org> wrote:

PS: Harsh criticism as this may seem, my goal here is a very positive one. Read


Boondoggle : Hate to say it John but to my mind this is but one more
short-sighted interest-fed government-industry boondoggle: in short the winners
are once again circling their wagons and gaily divvying up the accumulating
spoils while the planet and the well being of ordinary people continue to come
under grave attack every day as the establishment continues in all impunity to
ignore the real bottom line. Which believe me is not "intelligent" transport


Oops : The fact that such a program is further interest-driven by members of the
academic community, who to my mind should have a far deeper understanding of the
gravity of the situation we face in this sector and its many components and
spin-offs, is, in its own way, quite grave.  Dear academic colleagues. May I
respectfully ask that you step back from this kind of thing until we have made
at least some palpable progress on the terrible matters at hand.  Your
intellect, skills and energy are much needed on far more important things. 


Syndrome : This is part of a larger syndrome to which we have collectively
subscribed without quite realizing it. Namely, our sector has fallen victim to
an egregious Cartesian tendency to parcelize the whole into many bits and pieces
beyond the limits of any common sense (just look at the organigram of any
ministry of transport to see how that works) and then sub-optimize this and that
with gay abandon. Thus we have roads and streets that have been optimized
through construction and yes! electronics for speed and throughput, when the
communities around them have quite a different set of requirements. And what
could be a better indication of this than our exchanges of yesterday on the
subject of the New York times article  'Delays mire U.S. road project in Aceh '
look at Robert Cowherd's telling comments on this in the morning mails here.
(And BTW, can anyone think of a good name for this syndrome?)


Refocus : The fact is that we are now at a fork in the road, and if there is any
one thing that can help us make a choice as to where we are now going to invest
our energies and brilliance, it is to the following simple question which to my
mind should stand first in line every time any public authority is going to use
our hard earned taxpayer money (it's ours, not theirs) to fund stuff that is
going to shape the future. "What can be done via this line of action (in their
case ITS) so that we can put those technologies to use in THE NEXT TWO TO THREE
structured to respond to this usefully, then out it goes. We can look at the
long term when we have some breathing space. But this is not the situation in
October 2006 and will not be surly for the remainder of this decade.


So off you go Department for Transport, Department of Trade and Industry and the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and all your good friends
from industry: redline your mandate along these lines and you have something
really useful there.  Keep us informed. We too are part of the solution. Work
with us on it. 


Eric Britton


PS2. Dear colleagues. Am I horribly wrong in this? If so it would not be the
first time. So let me put it in front of our various peer groups here so that we
can get different views on this. 





A radical new approach to funding highly innovative and wide ranging

research into key long term transport issues was announced yesterday by 

Minister for Transport Stephen Ladyman and Lord Sainsbury, DTI Minister 

for Science and Innovation, at the Intelligent Transport Systems World 

Congress in London .


 The new approach to research is expected to result in far greater 

Advances than simply awarding funding to a single organisation. It will allow a 

small number of consortia with wide ranging expertise to work in 

collaboration to tackle some of the major transport challenges we face 

over the next decade.


The Department for Transport, Department of Trade and Industry and the

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council will jointly provide 

£9 million of funding, with a further £3 million expected from industry 



The Future Intelligent Transport Systems initiative is intended to

stimulate new ideas, concepts, products or services that will:


    * Further improve safety on our roads by reducing collisions,

 casualties and deaths;


    * Result in better, more reliable, accessible and safer public

 transport services;


    * Lead to even greater efficiency in the road freight industry;


    * Improve road network management; and,


    * Provide better travel information, allowing travellers to make

 informed choices on how and when to travel.


Further details can be found within the call for Expressions of 

Interest to participate, which can be found at: 



Jon Maybury

Innovation Platform Manager


Intelligent Transport Systems

Department of Trade and Industry

Office of Science and Innovation (OSI)

151 Buckingham Palace Road, 

London SW1W 9SS


Tel: 0207 215 1196

Mobile: 07810 558891

Home Office: 01252 819610

Email: <mailto:jon.maybury at dti.gsi.gov.uk jon.maybury at dti.gsi.gov.uk

Email (on the move): 

<mailto:jmaybury1 at googlemail.com jmaybury1 at googlemail.com


Web: < <http://www.dti.gov.uk/innovation/tech-priorities-uk/innovation_platfor>




With all good wishes


Eric Britton


New Mobility Advisory/Briefs. Don’t know about them yet?

Maybe you should have a look at http://newmobilitybriefs.org

Accelerated Learning for partners & decision-makers in cities



The New Mobility Agenda: on line at http://www.newmobility.org 

Le Frene, 8/10 rue Joseph Bara                   75006 Paris, France

Tel:  +331 4326 1323      +338 7044 0343      Skype: newmobility 

E:  <mailto:contact at newmobility.org> contact at newmobility.org
Backup:  <mailto:fekbritton at gmail.com> fekbritton at gmail.com


EcoPlan International              Innovation consultancy/advisory

9440 Readcrest Drive                            Los Angeles, CA  90210

Tel: +1 310 601-8468  E:  <mailto:eric.britton at ecoplan.org> contact at ecoplan.org
Skype: ericbritton



 <http://www.ecoplan.org/> Technology. Economy. Society.


Francis Eric Knight Britton
Innovation consultancy/advisory 

The Commons
EcoPlan Association 1901
8/10, rue Joseph Bara
75006 Paris, France 

 <mailto:eric.britton at ecoplan.org> eric.britton at ecoplan.org
 <mailto:fekbritton at gmail.com> fekbritton at gmail.com 

Skype ID:

+338 7044 0343
+331 4326 1323
+336 7321 5868






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