[sustran] Re: "make GATNET a part of IFRTD"?

Sudhir sudhir at secon.in
Mon Nov 20 11:12:03 JST 2006

"make GATNET a part of IFRTD"?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Britton 
  To: gatnet at dgroups.org 
  Cc: Marinke.vanriet at ifrtd.org ; 'John Whitelegg' ; tanzarn at yahoo.co.uk ; mg294 at cornell.edu 
  Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:46 PM
  Subject: [sustran] "make GATNET a part of IFRTD"?

  ·       To confirm that we have the correct email, would you be so kind as to click the "Reply" link to this note. Kind thanks. Now the text:

  Dear Marinka and dear Gatnet friends, 

  Hmm. I am not sure that I am entirely comfortable with this proposition Marinka (copied below) s. Since I am quite possibly quite wrong again, let me nonetheless see if I can in a few words clarify to this wonderful group and friends why I feel this way. 

  For better or worse, we do have a model. And I for one like it quite a lot. What I have appreciated about our Gatnet family is precisely its wide open, personal and uninstitutional or hierarchical structure. My own expression for this is a "self-organizing collaborative network". I like the idea of IFRTD, ITDP, Dgroups, the Bank, the TRB, Wuppertal Institute, the Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice, University of Pretoria, and any other of the players on this scene, including us here at The Commons: Open Society Sustainability Initiative by the way, pitching in and lending a hand to forward our common, heart-felt concerns, namely the Gender, Equity and Transport agenda.. Lending a hand certainly yes, but "taking it in hand"? . . .  I would say possibly not. 

  I for one would hesitate before changing our basic independent flat model with no one in charge. I like the idea of 95 independent, responsible, at times and quite justifiably ornery citizens (though I would like it even more if we were 5 or 10x that) in a couple of dozen countries who get together when and as they can to share ideas, information, projects and invitations for collaborative action in our chosen patch. And it's great to hear that you at the IFRTD are proposing to do more with this structure and potential for change. But perhaps not by changing or corralling it. And least not quite yet.

  Our approach here at The Commons over the last couple of years of working with all of you on this, has been to see how we might pitch in and improve communications and open sharing. To this end we set up our little open forum at http://www.gatnet.net/ which supports and tries to build on, support and extend the basic Dgroups model (which by the way could certainly be much improved by more thought and improvement). But again, our idea here is to deepen, broaden, energize and support. And only that!

  Other views on this?  Other proposals for next steps?  More projects. More events. More interaction. More new ideas that are going to carry the day. More funding (which we can then figure out together how to use). Visible prizes and awards for path-breaking work. Yes, indeed. Let's talk about our common future. 

  Strength in numbers, diversity, independence of views. . . and communication. ;-)

  Eric Britton

  PS. BTW is there any recent news on progress being made a set of special numbers of the Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice to support Gatnet and the cause? And while we are hat it, this is an invitation to see the latest numbers of the Journal at www.wtransport.org, including the new Sustainable Mobility: Seen to the Year 2030 issue. This is, I truly believe, one of the many solid foundations that we can put to work for the cause. Among many.

  PPS. I am taking the initiative of sharing this with a quite sizeable group of people who have over the last several years exchanged views and information with either the Dgroups forum or corresponded directly with me here. I am doing this via blind copies just in case the spammers capture this note, but what I would suggest is that you respond to the group or alternatively to me as you prefer. I will then attempt to make sure that these ideas and suggestions get passed around.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Marinke van Riet [mailto:marinke.vanriet at ifrtd.org]
      Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:07 PM
      To: Gender and Transport
      Cc: 'Maria Gutierrez'
      Subject: [gatnet] IFRTD's Executive Committee

      Dear friends, 

      IFRTD's Executive Committee meeting will be held from November 27-29 in London. As the highest governing IFRTD body the EC will adopt the strategy 2007-2011, which has been developed through a year-long participatory process. Some of you have been actively involved in this as GATNET members in particular or IFRTD members in general. The draft document and more information on the process itself are available through http://www.ifrtd.gn.apc.org/new/about/strat.php . Obviously in the new strategy we will continue to advocate for gender mainstreaming in the transport sector and during the EC we will have a one-day workshop on operationalising the strategy and brainstorming on specific advocacy strategies for achieving the gender mainstreaming component. .   

      I am sure that most of you remember that last year we had an election process through this discussion group to nominate one member of GATNET to represent the Gender and Transport CoP at the ECM in Stockholm. Nite Tanzarn was elected and did an excellent job. We had hoped to do something similar this year but unfortunately due to budget constraints could not invite an additional person to represent GATNET. However the IFRTD Latin American network elected Maria Gutierrez from Peru to represent the Latin American region, a committed gender and transport specialist and member of this group. Maria participated at the Gender and Transport Conference in South Africa in August 2006 where she presented a paper on gender and rural roads in Peru. To make sure GATNET is still represented we have asked Maria to do a similar presentation at the ECM.  

      I would like to apologise for not being able to go through the same process again and I appreciate your understanding. We are hoping that next year we will be able to have an election process the GATNET community and are in fact looking to make GATNET a part of IFRTD's official governance structure. 

      Thank you so much and you will be able to read more about the proceedings of the EC at www.ifrtd.org 



      Marinke van Riet

      Executive Secretary

      International Forum for Rural Transport and Development

      Web sites: www.ifrtd.org 



      Email: Marinke.vanriet at ifrtd.org

      "The IFRTD is a global network of individuals and organisations working together towards improved access and mobility for the rural poor in developing countries"

      -----Original Message-----
      From: jeff turner [mailto:jeffreymturner at hotmail.com]
      Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 4:22 PM
      To: Gender and Transport
      Subject: [gatnet] RE: IFRTD's Executive Committee

  Thank you for the information
  You said: " We are hoping that next year we will be able to have an election process the GATNET community and are in fact looking to make GATNET a part of IFRTD's official governance structure. "
  Particularly welcome the idea of continued involvement of GATNET in the administration of your organisation and would love it if other organisation involved GATNET in their administration in the progressive way you do. Would very much like to hear more about your ideas for governance of the GATNET community and in particular your thoughts on the need for an election process, and whether you envisage some secretariat resources being available for GATNET for which there is a need to have an elected governance structure. I would also like to think we can have a debate about governance structures GATNET should have amongst GATNET members at some stage in the future.
  Thanks again and look forward to hearing of your EC meeting deliberations
  Best wishes
  Jeff Turner Transport & Social Development Consultancy Ltd
  2 Parkside Ave
  LS6 4JD
  Tel +44 113 2781994   


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