[sustran] More on Stockholm and the vote

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Thu Jan 5 03:05:14 JST 2006

Let me share with you a few quick thoughts on why I think this is an
important issue and a good opportunity for us to speak out on it.


1.	There is now a Stockholm Vote link on the New Mobility Agenda site.

2.	This project has been really very carefully planned by the Swedes,
and they have been most thorough in reviewing past experiences, including
the pluses, and the many minuses and various elephant traps, etc. So if it
were to fail, it would still have to be counted the best prepared road
pricing project in the history of man.

3.	We know in advance that projects such as this will regularly get
beat up by the media and the polls, and since most of us here are believers
in the polluter-pays principle (by whatever name), then we should be ready
to do our bit to support them in this.

4.	I have already contacted people in City Hall up there in the frigid
north and told them what we are up to, and that they may find it useful to
follow both our little poll results and the expert discussions -pro and con
I would imagine -- that surely will appear here. 

5.	My hope too is that if we can get some media notice of our thinking
and vies on all this, that this too might work in the interest of the

6.	I should say in closing here that I am a strong believer in what
some call swarm intelligence and that the citizens of Stockholm will in the
final analysis do the right thing-whatever that might be. But this is not to
say that I think we should sit on our hands at a time when this good idea
needs all the support it can get.

7.	BTW: if you want to check out the latest news on this, you can see
it under the Stockholm link on the site. Likewise of course the full Google


And finally just in case the routine is not sufficiently clear, here it is
in two quick steps:


1.	To vote, please go to the following web page:

2.	Note that there are four items concerning which you are invited to
express your views and prognostications: A. B, C, D.  You'll see when you
get there.  It should take you all of two minutes to do your duty.


Go Stockholm!  Go complexity. Go international teamwork. Go democracy. Go
sustainability and social justice.






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