[sustran] Re: International Comparisons - Help Please!

Kirk Bendall kennaughkb at yahoo.com.au
Mon Aug 28 16:03:45 JST 2006

Hi Alan,
  there maybe some useful papers from Murdoch :

Alan Howes <Alan.Howes at cbuchanan.co.uk> wrote:
            I have just discovered that I have a presentation to make in not much more than 24 hours, to an audience of Mumbai decision-formers.  Working title - ""Urban transport - learning from the mistakes of others".  It's stretching my core specialisation a bit (Public Transport / Buses), and as I am in Mumbai I don't have access to reference sources back in the office (which are pretty UK-oriented anyway).
  So I am looking for some (on-line) data on international transport comparisons - preferably urban rather than rural.  Things like - 
  - Cars owned per head
  - Car USAGE per head
  - %age urban area devoted to roads
  - pollution levels / greenhouse gas emissions
  - Modal share data
  Trend data would be useful too.
  It may well be that a lot of what I am looking for is in the UITP's Millennium Cities Database - but the problem is it is not available on-line, and the summary data I have from it is back at the ranch (and possibly corrupted).
  I am currently looking at Todd Litman's VTPI page "Why Manage Transportation Demand?" http://www.vtpi.org/tdm/tdm51.htm , which has plenty of appropriate words but not many numbers - it has plenty of links though, some of which may well be useful.  And I will also look at SUTP.  But if anyone can give me a more precise steer, I would be most grateful.
  Regards, Alan Howes
  currently at Dharavi Bus Depot, Mumbai, India
  alan.howes at cbuchanan.co.uk

Alan Howes
Associate Transport Planner
Colin Buchanan
  4 St Colme Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6AA
  Tel:       +44 131 226 4693
  Mobile:  +44 7952 464335
  email:  alan.howes at cbuchanan.co.uk

  www: http:/www.cbuchanan.co.uk/

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