[sustran] "put our brains" together, for the benefit of all

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Thu Dec 22 06:07:33 JST 2005

Dear Fearless New Mobility Idea People,


If you pop into the site today, you will see a major new addition (on the
top menu): a series of links to something called a Wikipedia
<http://wikipedia.org> , and at the end of the day is nothing more (hah!)
than a peer-produced, expert, 100% open encyclopedia article on our
challenging topic (and its many extensions).


This is the latest wrinkle in our soon twenty-year long struggle here at The
Commons and the New Mobility Agenda to find ways to build up an informal
international expert consortium to "put our brains" together, for the
benefit of all.


So, I invite you to give it a try and then let me have your ideas on how to
extend and improve.  It already represents a pretty fair start (That's the
editor talking about his own stuff), but there is plenty of room for you to
join in.  With clarifications and additions at all levels, 


You will also find on that page some clean links to background information
on how to access and use the Wikipedia for this and other purposes.


I consider this an important step, and part of what I plan to be a major
overhaul of the entire New Mobility Agenda program. Until now we have
depended too much on one "center". Hey, it's the 21st century and the real
thing no longer works like that.  So let's get going on a Self-Organizing
Collaborative Network!!!


Off we go!




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