[sustran] Re: FW: Update, Jakarta Issue [LOCOA]

Paul paul at swisscontact.or.id
Mon Oct 1 18:48:02 JST 2001

Hi, Paul,
it is good that you share this information with other people. But I think, 
to have a balance information, please check also with government why they 
do all of this. I am sure they don't do that just for fun, it must be a 


Paul Butarbutar

-----Original Message-----
From:	Paul Barter [SMTP:geobpa at nus.edu.sg]
Sent:	Saturday, September 29, 2001 10:20 AM
To:	'sustran-discuss at jca.apc.org'
Subject:	[sustran] FW: Update, Jakarta Issue [LOCOA]

-----Original Message-----
From: hyowoo na [mailto:locoa2000 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, 29 September 2001 10:22
To: Kirtee Shah; Mr. Leo Shah; Rajesh Shah; Myung Ho Shin; SeungMin
Shin; Tomoe Shitaba; Johan Silas; Amarasiri de Silva; Teresita Silva;
Raajen Singh; Dibalok Singha; dickson Singha; Sri Sofjan; Sofyan; Thomas
Soi; Thomas Steinbugler; Sustran; Amor Tampubolon; Jo Hann Tan; Tibet
Fund; Edicio De La Torre; UCDO; UDLE; Dennis Upa
Subject: Update, Jakarta Issue [LOCOA]

           UPDATE,August 15 to 26 September 2001
                  - Jakarta, Indonesia -


1. Confiscated becak
"X Central Jakarta	                1904
"X North Jakarta				2283
"X West Jakarta				2665
"X East Jakarta				2147
Total number who lost jobs	       8,999

This means 8999 people lost their jobs, thus the same
number of families lost their earnings.

2. Food vendors (evicted, demolished)	71.857
3. Car wash service (demolished)            40
4. Houses (demolished)			 1.010
Total number of people lost jobs	72.907

3. Urban poor arrested/detained
"X 436 street sex workers
"X 23 lepers and mentally disturbed
"X 12 alms collectors
"X 735 beggars and homeless
"X 27 difables
"X 95 stree children
"X 329 ??informal?? traffic policemen
"X 250 street musicians
"X 386 others
  3.293 Total

4. Houses demolished		1.010

B. Chornology of Urban Poor Resistance

5. September 2001-09-26
Pademangan Subdistrict, North Jakarta
Confiscation of becak started at 02.00 a.m. One becak
driver was shot by the police in a physical
confrontation that followed. Becak drivers, street
vendors and others retaliated, they attacked
Pademangan sub-district office, resulted in glass
windows, the foor and the front gate of the office all

Teluk Gong, North Jakarta
Confiscation operation started by 04.30 a.m. One becak
driver who alerted his friends by beating the lamp
post was gang-beaten by around 20 municipality
security guards; his skull was 10cm fractured.
7 September 2001: Muara Angke, North Jakarta
A physical confrontation between becak drivers, food
vendors and others with municipality security guards
has resulted in 5 becak drivers badly injured.

11 September 2001: Muara Baru, North Jakarta
Hundreds of becak drivers demonstrated at the Muara
Baru village office that resulted in the village head
agreed to stop becak eviction in the area.

13 September 2001: Jelambar Baru, West Jakarta
Confiscation of becaks happened in Jelambar Baru the
day before. Hundreds of becak drivers, food vendors
and others attacked Jelambar Baru village office. The
glass windows, doors and roof were broken.

15 September 2001: Municipality Office of East Jakarta
More than 500 becak drivers, street vendors, street
children and others attacked EastJakarta municipality
office, resulted in glass doors, windows and roof were
broken and 1 bus ruined.

One becak driver was badhly hurt in the head, 4 others
were detained in the Jakarta police headquarters. They
were interrogated, beaten and was jailed in a very
small room together with around 15 more people.

17 September 2001: Kalianyar, West Jakarta
A municipality team confiscated a number of becaks in
Kalianyar. Hundreds of urban poor, the majority of
whom were becak drivers then attacked the village
office. They threw stones to the building, the glass
windows and doors of the office.

Three becak drivers were arrested, one was released on
21 September, the other two were still detained in the
police precinct of Tambora, West Jakarta. The two were

25 September 2001: Angke, North Jakarta
1 becak in Angke, North Jakarta and 5 in Kwitang,
Central Jakarta wre confiscated.

26 September 2001: Sunter, Central Jakarta
16 becaks were confiscated, the team involved hundreds
of policemen, mobile brigade, the army and
municipality security guards.

Sources: UPC (field data and clippings)

 Leaders and Organizers of Community Organization in Asia
 80-A, Malakas Street, Brgy Pinyahan, 1100 Quezon City,
 Tel: (632) 925-8432,426-4118      Fax :(632) 426-4132
 E-mail: locoa2000 at yahoo.com       http://www.locoa.net

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