[sustran] Research on Integrated Concepts on Goods and Services Transport

Christof Hertel hertel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Dec 11 23:54:03 JST 2001

Dear Sustran Colleagues,
at the moment we're doing research about integrated transport concepts.
The project focuses on the area of goods and commercial transport
including the areas of transport which emerge through services (e.g.
plumber on his way to the client or the delivery-service from take-away
restaurants) and business-traffic) in urban aglomerations. To get a wider
perspective and to learn about new concepts we also want to look at other
countries than Germany. If you know any concept and you think it is
interesting or in some way adaptable to Germany, or you know special
newsgroups (or institutes, companies, websites etc.) focusing on these
aspects please let us know.

Thank you for your kind assistance

Greetings from

Heike Flaemig         &     Christof Hertel
(flaemig at tu-harburg.de) (c.hertel at tu-harburg.de hertel at zedat.fu-berlin.de)

List of research-projects at our institute:

Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
Research unit Transportation and Logistics
European Centre for Transportation and Logistics (ECTL)
AB 1-10
D-21071 Hamburg
Tel: (+49) 40 - 428 78 - 39 03
Fax: (+49) 40 - 428 78 - 27 28

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