Negative thoughts on metro in general

J.H. Crawford joel at
Sat Mar 11 06:38:29 JST 2000

>In addition, as Eric Bruun has pointed out, rail (I would add, light 
>as well as heavy) has a higher passenger capacity. So, provided the 
>passengers are there, it is not obvious that busways are necessarily 
>cheaper in cents per passenger per km travelled.

Capacity is always an issue to be considered. Metros have the highest
capacity of any system, up to 50,000 passengers per hour per track.
Light rail can get to about half that. 

Electric systems are clean (at least locally), whereas buses have
not only filthy exhaust but make a fearsome racket. Electric
trolley buses are better, but all the wires look pretty bad.

You have to choose your system based on traffic levels.


J.H. Crawford                                                 Carfree Cities
postmaster at                      

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