[sustran] fwd: Egypt traffic death sparks riot

SUSTRAN Network Secretariat sustran at po.jaring.my
Mon Mar 6 10:43:09 JST 2000

BBC World Service
Sunday, 5 March, 2000, 20:12 GMT 

Egypt traffic death sparks riot

Vehicles were set on fire by angry residents Egyptian police have opened
fire on about 3,000 rioters on a main road north of the capital Cairo,
wounding about 10 people. 

The riot erupted after a 16-year-old girl, Samah Mustafa, was killed by a
speeding lorry. She had been trying to cross the road near the village of
Mit Nema, about 15km north of Cairo.

Reports say another 50 people - including six policemen - were injured
during the disturbance, either by stones thrown by protesters or by the
effects of police tear gas.

Ms Mustafa's death was the latest in a string of fatal accidents that Mit
Nama villagers have blamed on the failure of authorities to build foot

The villagers also complain about the lack of action against motorists who
routinely ignore traffic regulations. 

Driver 'critical' 

According to the reports, they seized the driver of the lorry that hit the
girl, beat him severely and set his vehicle on fire. 

The driver was admitted to hospital in a critical condition. 

Residents of Mit Nema also set fire to a number of other vehicles and are
reported to have pushed a boulder on to the local railway line, blocking
trains for about an hour. 

Police said they had arrested about 20 people. 

Villagers said scores of people had been killed and injured along the road,
which goes from Cairo to the Mediterranean port of Alexandria, as a result
of speed violations and reckless driving. 

Official figures indicate that more than 6,000 people were killed in
traffic accidents in Egypt in 1998. 

Distributed for the purpose of education and research.

A. Rahman Paul BARTER
Sustainable Transport Action Network for Asia
and the Pacific (the SUSTRAN Network)
P.O. Box 11501, Kuala Lumpur 50748, Malaysia.
E-mail: sustran at po.jaring.my
URL: http://www.malaysiakini.com/sustran (under construction)

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