[sustran] FW: transport and equality

SUSTRAN Resource Centre sustran at po.jaring.my
Mon Apr 19 18:48:27 JST 1999

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Can anyone give some guidance to Kurt on transport and equity?

Many thanks

John Whitelegg

-----Original Message-----
From:	kurt.andersson at helsinki.fi [SMTP:kurt.andersson at helsinki.fi]
Sent:	11 April 1999 14:48
To:	John Whitelegg
Cc:	harri.hakala at helsinki.fi
Subject:	RE: transport and equality

  Dear Mr. Whitelegg,
Thank you for all the information you provided me in my quest for
material on transport and equity. You are right, this subject seems not
to be studied much, at least in detail. Unfortunately, out of the books
you recommended only one is available in finnish libraries. I think I
will have to use my swedish connections to get the rest of the books.
You recommended for me to send you a letter on my research interest
which you can bounce on a discussion list. It has taken me a while to
bring my work to a point where I could construct some text that could
describe my research problems.  Appreciating your help following is a
short description on what I am doing and what I am looking for. The
following text is also attached as a Rich Text Format (RTF) file, in
case it is easier to forward to the lists (I have not yet enjoyed
doscussion lists).
I am doing my graduate research on
the equity of space and transportation
possibilities. In short my research
will consist of choosing two or three
ethical theories on which I will
reflect transportation practices and
the division of public space. Possible
aspects I will look into are equality
of space among users in same space and
time, equality of accessibility,
equality of subsidies and taxing on
different transport modes, and
equality via the downgrading of
natural, social and cultural
environment. I have not been able to
find much research on this subject or
these subjects. The following articles
are the only ones I have been able to
find that more or less resemble my
research subject:
The Ethics and Politics of Private
Automobile Use
Author:  Meaton, Julia; Morrice, David MORALITY, ENERGY, AND THE 

....rtf file not included...

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