[sustran] Re: TDM measures in tourist areas

Todd Litman litman at islandnet.com
Thu Apr 15 21:19:59 JST 1999

Some time ago I started writing a report titled "FIRST RESORT; Application
of Transportation Demand Management in Resort Communities," but never
finished it because I didn't have the time to research case studies (my
plan was to get a grant to travel around the world surveying resorts, the
perfect "junket"). I think it is an important issue, both because resort
communities have environmental amenities that are damaged by excessive
automobile travel, and because resort communities could be showcases for
good TDM planning. Imagine the mayor of an automobile dependent suburb
visiting a resort and seeing that high-income people will not only use, but
even PREFER alternatives to driving and more efficient land use. The mayor
will return home inspired to support TDM locally.

Anyway, I have not posted the report at our website yet, but would be glad
to send it to anybody on request. Below is the abstract. I'd love to get
feedback. If anybody wants to send me a on-page summary of resort community
TDM case studies I'll finally be able to finish the report and post it. Or
even better, send me lots of money so I can do field research on this issue

Travel demand management (TDM) includes a variety of strategies to
encourage more efficient use of existing transportation facilities. This
paper describes how TDM strategies are being used to address transportation
problems in resort communities. Such communities tend to be particularly
appropriate for TDM because they have predictable travel patterns,
significantly increased demand during peak periods (which are frequently a
few hours a week, or a few weeks of the year, and so increasing capacity to
satisfy peak demand is unjustified), and high environmental amenity values
that can be degraded by expanding road and parking capacity. If carefully
planned and implemented, TDM strategies can provide Win-Win solutions to
resort community transportation problems, by providing visitors more travel
choices and an improved experience, while avoiding road and parking
construction projects that are financially expensive and degrade local
environmental quality. This paper describes TDM strategies suitable for
application in resort communities, and discusses TDM planning and


Todd Litman, Director
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
"Efficiency - Equity - Clarity"
1250 Rudlin Street
Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, Canada
Phone & Fax: 250-360-1560
E-mail:  litman at islandnet.com
Website: www.islandnet.com/~litman

>Dear all,
>I have a research project on TDM (Transportation Demand Management)
>measures in tourist areas, which is conducted by Japan's National Land
>Agency. In tourist areas the purposes of TDM measures are 1) to ease
>traffic congestion, 2) to protect tourist attractions and 3) to improve
>transportation services. The aim of our project is to make a handbook for
>local governments.

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