[sustran] Re: Please help to promote this list

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Wed Oct 14 23:22:20 JST 1998

Posted, Paul,  as requested.  You'll find it at
http://www.ecoplan.org, and once you get to our pretty lady ask
her to connect you to the Hotline.  There's you'll see the
department Events, Notices, where you notice has been lodged under
LINKS. May a thousand knowledgeable souls read it and prosper.

We didn't tell them that we love Sustran... (But we do).

Eric Britton

PS. The attached is a rough and ready translation of an
introductory note written to guide the discussions in an open
house we have organized here to talk over new transportation ideas
and approaches on Friday may interest some of you. The bulk of the
materials are of course in French, but this will hopefully serve
to get you going.  Anyone wishing to follow this cycle of
activities is invited to get in touch.  Good way to practice your


Le Frene, 8/10 rue Joseph Bara, F-75006 Paris, France
Tel.  +331 4326.1323 or +331 4441.6340
Fax  +331 4441.6341 or +331 4326.1323
Videoconferencing/groupwork: +331 4441.6340 (1-4)
Email: postmaster at ecoplan.org   URL: http://www.ecoplan.org


Réunion, >vendredi, le 16 octobre, 10:00 - 13:00
>Salle 4346, 4eme étage
>Ministère de l'Environnement
>20, av. de Ségur, >Paris VII

Après... "En ville sans ma voiture?"
Leçons, réflexions, et propositions d'action

>Une "conversation publique" sur une nouvelle architecture
>d'innovation et de l'action citoyenne en matière de
l'environnement et du transports

The objective behind this "open public meeting" is to see what
happens if we bring together a small group of informed citizens,
who have in common a strong shared interest in matters of
environment, quality of life and sustainable development, to mull
over and consider together the issue of "sustainable
transportation", and in particular what might be learned as a
result of the experience of the recent National Car Free Day
organized on 22 September by the Ministère de l'Environnement.
The interest of the meeting is not in theory or even so much in
policy --as it is in practice, the ways in which we chose to get
around in our cities in our daily lives.
After a number of years of study, reflection and implementing at
least some elements of a sustainable transport system, we are
struck by the fact that what is needed above all is a whole new
architecture of both public policy and private practice.  The old
dirigiste models are obviously no longer appropriate in a society
with so many highly educated and capable citizens who are ready to
step beyond the concepts of the citizen as an être administré, as
de Tocqueville put it, and take a far more active role in shaping
both policy and actual implementations in the sector.
It is proposed that the objective of the meeting will be not so
much as to propose answers to these issues -- and certainly not to
consider them in any abstract philosophic sense --  but rather to
see if we can pose and perhaps discuss a handful of questions on
which informed public opinion and feedback are, in our opinion,
much needed. Therefore, and until such time that any of us come up
with anything better, we propose six specific areas of discussion,
as follows:
1. Was the car free day (vs.) a good idea?
* Did we learn anything positive from this experience?
* Did we learn anything to avoid?
* What might we do NEXT time? (And should there be a next time?)
* And what might be DIFFERENT about it?
2. Can Car Sharing work in France?
* There has been some activity in this area of late in France (and
much more internationally)
* A good introduction to the subject available in Enjeux - Les
Echos, No 140, octobre 98
* Further background at
3. Should children play in the street?
* Ten good reasons why they should (with references)
* Discussion and propositions
4. Is it too early to begin to involve school children directly in
the sustainability struggle?
* And if so how? (via school programs, various media, Internet
learning programs, etc,)
5. A new partnership: The Media and Sustainable Development
* Does everything that appears on this subject have to be
specialized and boring?
* JsV II - Could that be the subject of first class, high
visibility media treatment
* Children's books
* Translation of our CarSharing magazine/book (see
* Should we develop a Web site to support any eventual continuing
activity along these lines?
6. Should we ever meet again?
* Why? Who? What? How? Where? When?

Key Words: clairvoyance, responsabilité, questionnement,
connaissance, énergie, convivialité, activisme, invention,
variété, amour, patrimoine, enfants, association, musicalité,
modestie, évolutif

>Participation:  (Maximum 24 places)

>Spécialistes en matière de l'environnement et de transports
>durables, universitaires, consultants, psychologues,
anthropologues, historiens, de types media (auteurs, film,
>graphisme, journalisme, télévision, etc.), étudiants, et enfin
des gens >venant de différentes associations et groupements
d'intérêt >public.  Et quelques collègues francophones de L'OCDE
et de >l'Unesco. Nous anticipons un groupe bien divers et fort

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