[sustran] Rural transport and development list

Paul Barter tkpb at barter.pc.my
Sat Apr 25 15:45:51 JST 1998

Sustran-discuss participants may be interested to know that there is a new
discussion list to promote discussion, research and exchange of information
on rural transport and development issues in low income or developing
countries. It has been established by the International Forum for Rural
Transport and Development, an international network that is devoted to
promoting an alternative approach to these issues. IFRTD's contact details
are below. This new list is very much complementary to the sustran-discuss
list which tends to focus on urban issues in low-income and middle-income

>To join this list send the command
>        join rural-transport-development Your Name
>to the Mailbase SERVER at  mailbase at mailbase.ac.uk

Here is a recent posting to give you an idea.

>Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:38:29 +0000
>Subject: Need vs Demands
>From: "Niklas Sieber" <ifrtd at gn.apc.org>
>To: rural-transport-development at mailbase.ac.uk
>Dear all,
>I followed the discussion from Simon and David on the needs versus the
>demand approach. I basically agree with both contributions, but I
>would like to emphasize the aspect of income generation again.
>David wrote:
>> the advantages for the poorer sections of the community are
>> generally fewer and relate more to improved access to health
>> and other facilities
>I wonder how can a poor person benefit from improved accessibility if
>the transport fare is not affordable and he can't pay the medicine?
>A solution to this problem can be only investments which enable the
>majority of rural farmers to increase their income. I believe that we
>have to emphasize this aspect much more when promoting appropriate
>rural transport. I am thinking especially about the (1) effects of IMT
>on agricultural production and marketing, (2) income generation with
>rural transport services, (3) effects of increased competition in
>rural transport on agricultural producer prices.
>We have to demonstrate that the appropriate approach has a lot of
>economic advantages compared to the conventional focus on roads and
>cars. If we are not able to show this, appropriate transport will
>always be regarded as a social issue, which has low priority in the
>eyes of decision makers.
>I would be happy to hear the opinion of other members of the
>discussion group as well.
>Niklas Sieber
>International Forum for Rural Transport and Development
>150 Southampton Row
>London WC1 B5AL, UK
>Tel.: +44 171/ 278 3682, Fax: +44 171/ 278 6880
>e-mail: ifrtd at gn.apc.org
>Webpage: http://www.gn.apc.org/ifrtd

A. Rahman Paul BARTER,
SUSTRAN Resource Centre
c/o Asia Pacific 2000, PO Box 12544, 50782 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Fax: +603 253 2361,
E-mail: <tkpb at barter.pc.my> or <paulbarter at hotmail.com>

The SUSTRAN Resource Centre hosts the Secretariat of SUSTRAN (the
Sustainable Transport Action Network for Asia & the Pacific).

SUSTRAN is dedicated to promoting transport policies and investments
which foster accessibility for all; social equity; ecological sustainability;
health and safety; public participation; and high quality of life.

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