[sustran] Bicycles - Improving the image

Neil D. Schuster schuster at ibtta.org
Sat Apr 18 02:47:28 JST 1998

not only are bicycles space efficient, they cause virtually no damage to

one of the issues relating to motorcycle use of toll roads is whether they
should pay the same axle rate as passenger cars and whether they cause the
same amount of road damage as cars. 

of course, the other issue is how much space motorcycles take up; if tolls
are set on the use of highway space, a motorcycle takes up almost as much
road capacity as a car. 

neil d. schuster
executive director
international bridge, tunnel and turnpike association
2120 L street, nw   suite 305
washington, dc 20037 usa
telephone: 	1.202.659.4620
fax:  		1.202.659.0500
e-mail:		schuster at ibtta.org
web site:	http://www.ibtta.org

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