[sustran] Sorry about the bounces

Paul Barter tkpb at barter.pc.my
Tue Jul 22 11:14:40 JST 1997

Dear sustran-discuss participants.

I must apologise for the series of error messages that went to the list
over the last 2 days, all of which began with "User rahmatullaht is not
defined".  Normally such problems go only to me, the list-owner. The
majordomo list server software is usually able to catch such error messages
and stop them going out to the whole list.

But unfortunately in this case they DID go to the whole list.   Even more
unfortunately this set off a CHAIN REACTION so that we all got multiple
messages.  This is because each new error message also went back to the
problem address and generated a new error response which went to the whole
list and so on until the message became too long and was stopped.

I have now removed the offending address from the sustran-discuss list and
will investigate how this can be prevented in future. Sorry for any
irritation and inconvenience that this may have caused to you all.

Best wishes,

A. Rahman Paul Barter
Sustainable Transport Action Network for Asia & the Pacific (SUSTRAN)
<barter at central.murdoch.edu.au> or <tkpb at barter.pc.my>

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