[sustran] Subsidizing Congestion? India’s Current Fiscal Policy for Public Buses and Private Vehicles

Vinay Baindur yanivbin at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 19:18:43 JST 2017


Subsidizing Congestion? India’s Current Fiscal Policy for Public Buses and
Private Vehicles

By Aloke Mukherjee <http://thecityfix.com/blog/author/alokemukherjee/>    April
26, 2017

Taxing Private Vehicles and Fuel Can Change How Cities View Transport.
Photo by Adam Cohn / Flickr

Revenue generated from taxation allows governments to invest in
infrastructure and resources that allow for the delivery of essential
services. Broadly speaking, these investments are expected to work towards
improving the quality of life for the country’s citizens.

However, India’s fiscal policy for public buses – the mainstay of public
transport in the country –appears to contradict this objective. A previous blog
this topic has highlighted the contribution of taxation to both higher bus
fares and poorer service quality in India. This blog focusses on another
aspect of India’s distorted tax policy towards bus-based public transport:
its contribution to traffic congestion across urban India.

Traffic congestion results when there are too many vehicles for the
available road space
While a multitude of factors often combine to result in gridlock, arguably
the most important contributing factor has been the explosive growth in
vehicles in India; a 6.2-fold increase in the number of registered vehicles
in less than two decades, from 33.79 million in 1996 to 210 million in 2015
This unprecedented increase has severely overburdened major roads in most
cities, leading to endemic gridlock.

Conventional measures favored by governments to reduce congestion, such as
road-widening or the construction of flyovers and underpasses, have
provided no long-term relief to the problem. This is because increasing
roadway capacity induces demand <http://www.vtpi.org/gentraf.pdf>.
Realizing that the newly-widened road offers a faster commute, more people
(and hence vehicles) start to use the road until all the extra space
created by the widening of the road has been filled by new vehicles. A more
comprehensive solution is to utilize road space more efficiently by
prioritizing high-occupancy public transport, such as buses, over private
vehicles. This requires a two-pronged approach: 1. improving the quality of
public transport to incentivize usage and 2. discouraging people from using
private vehicles. In this regard, a good fiscal policy can play a major

Taxation can serve several purposes for a government. Apart from revenue
generation, it can also be used to influence citizen behavior
by taxing unhealthy or unsustainable practices at higher rates,
discouraging their use. Mexico, for example, introduced an additional
excise tax on sugar-sweetened drinks in 2013, estimated to have reduced
consumption of sugary drinks <http://www.bmj.com/content/352/bmj.h6704> by
close to 12 percent in a year. The added revenue from such tax measures
has, in several cases, been used for the amelioration of problems caused by
such behavior. For instance, California increased taxation on cigarettes in
2012 and used the additional revenue to fund cancer research

The same fiscal logic works to combat traffic congestion: higher taxes on
vehicles and fuel can serve as a strong disincentive to purchase and use
private vehicles, especially for non-essential trips. The increased revenue
can be used to fund improvements in road-based public transport and walking
infrastructure. Unfortunately, Indian fiscal policy, instead of nudging
users away from private transport and towards public transport, is either
indifferent between the two or provides undue benefits to private users at
the cost of public transport. Two major aspects of this policy deserve note:

*Direct taxes (Motor Vehicle and Passenger Tax):* Better known as “road
tax,” this is a state tax levied to meet the costs of construction and
maintenance of roadways
Certain states also levy a passenger tax on the revenue generated from
ferrying passengers by State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs)
<https://data.gov.in/keywords/state-road-transport-undertakings>. These two
taxes form the bulk of direct taxes paid by SRTUs. While private vehicles
(cars and bikes) also pay Motor Vehicle Tax, it is a one-time payment,
usually a percent of the vehicle’s value. SRTUs, on the other hand, pay
Motor Vehicle Tax either quarterly or annually based on their bus capacity,
revenue or routing (depending on the state).

Extrapolations from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
<http://morth.nic.in/showfile.asp?lid=2025> data yield the average annual
Motor Vehicle Tax per bus. Adding to this the average Passenger Tax and
assuming that (a) a typical bus lasts 8 years and (b) a non-AC bus costs
approximately 3.5 million rupees (US $54,000), it is possible to estimate
the lifetime direct tax per SRTU bus as a percent of its value. In many
states, public buses face a significantly higher direct tax burden than
private cars or bikes, as the following comparisons from Indian States
Gujarat <http://rtogujarat.gov.in/tax.php>, Karnataka
, Maharashtra <http://www.mahatranscom.in/tax_calculation.aspx> and Punjab
<http://www.punjabtransport.org/FeesTaxes.aspx> detail:

A comparison of tax rates for public and private vehicles in India. Graphic
by Aloke Mukherjee

*Taxes on fuel:* Several countries use revenue from fuel taxes to subsidize
or otherwise support mass transit. In the U.S., for example, approximately 16
percent of revenue <https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42762.pdf> from excise
duty on gasoline is earmarked for mass transit. The UK provides a fuel
subsidy from existing fuel duties to transit operators in the form of the Bus
Service Operators Grant
<https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/bus-services-grants-and-funding> to
keep bus operating costs manageable. Higher retail fuel taxes serve as a
deterrent to private vehicle use for nonessential trips, and can also
subsidize public transport. In India however, SRTUs (apart from Rajasthan)
currently pay the same rate of tax on diesel purchased as private vehicles.
In fact, from 2013 to 2015, bulk purchasers were expected to pay a
significantly higher rate per-liter for fuel purchased, due to the dual-pricing
by the UPA government, effectively subsidizing private vehicles at the cost
of public transport.

India’s fiscal policy towards public transport is rather lopsided, often
taxing public buses far higher than private vehicles. While increasing
taxes on private vehicles is rarely a popular move, the long-term benefits
of rationalizing road taxes in favor of public transport outweigh the
short-term political costs. However, it is important that public transport
service quality and supply is rapidly improved, rather than a sole fiscal
disincentive towards using private vehicles.

*Originally published on WRI India

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