[sustran] VTPI Newsletter - Autumn 2013

Todd Alexander Litman litman at vtpi.org
Thu Nov 7 10:51:03 JST 2013


                 VTPI NEWS


              Victoria Transport Policy Institute

              "Efficiency - Equity - Clarity"


              Autumn 2013    Vol. 13, No. 4


The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research
organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transportation
problems. The VTPI website (http://www.vtpi.org ) has many resources
addressing a wide range of transport planning and policy issues. VTPI also
provides consulting services.





"Safer Than You Think! Revising the Transit Safety Narrative"
(http://www.vtpi.org/safer.pdf )

Public transportation is overall safe (low crash risk) and secure (low crime
risk). Transit travel has about a tenth the traffic casualty (death or
injury) rate as automobile travel, and residents of transit-oriented
communities have about a fifth the per capita traffic fatality rate as
residents of automobile-oriented communities. Transit also tends to have
lower crime rates than automobile travel, and large transit-oriented cities
tend to have low crime rates. However, many people consider transit
dangerous and so are reluctant to use it or support transit service
expansions in their communities. Public transit agencies can help create a
new transit safety narrative by developing better risk evaluation tools,
better communicating public transit's overall safety and health benefits,
and providing better guidance concerning how transit users and communities
can enhance safety and security. Also see, "Low Crime Rates In Large Cities
Support Multi-Modal Planning and Smart Growth"
(http://www.planetizen.com/node/65857 ).


"Factors to Consider When Estimating Congestion Costs and Evaluating
Potential Congestion Reduction Strategies"
(http://www.vtpi.org/ITE_congestion.pdf )

Traffic congestion can be measured in various ways that result in very
different conclusions about the nature of the problem and optimal solutions.
This article, submitted to the ITE Journal, describes various factors that
affect congestion cost estimates and the evaluation of potential congestion
reduction strategies. It discusses how these factors influence planning
decisions, and describes best practices for comprehensive evaluation of
congestion impacts. It summarizes information from "Smart Congestion Relief:
Comprehensive Analysis Of Traffic Congestion Costs and Congestion Reduction
Benefits" (http://www.vtpi.org/cong_relief.pdf ) and "Congestion Costing
Critique: Critical Evaluation of the 'Urban Mobility Report'"
(http://www.vtpi.org/UMR_critique.pdf )


"Local Funding Options for Public Transportation"
(http://www.vtpi.org/tranfund.pdf )

This report, to be published in the 'Journal of Public Transportation,'
evaluates eighteen potential local public transit funding options according
to eight criteria. This is a somewhat larger set of options, and more
detailed and systematic evaluation, than most previous studies of this type.
The study's overall conclusion is that a variety of funding options should
be used to help finance the local share of transportation improvements to
insure stability and distribute costs broadly.

          *    *    *    *    *




"Towards More Comprehensive Multi-modal Transport Evaluation"
(http://www.ltaacademy.gov.sg/journyes.htm ), JOURNEYS, publication of the
LTA Academy, Singapore.

This article critically evaluates current transport planning evaluation
practices, and describes ways to make them more comprehensive and
multi-modal. Conventional planning tends to evaluate transport system
performance based primarily on automobile travel conditions. A new planning
paradigm expands the range of objectives, impacts and options considered in
the planning process. More comprehensive and multi-modal planning can help
identify truly optimal transport improvement options, considering all


"More Comprehensive Evaluation Supports More Efficient Transportation" 

(http://transportbeyondoil.wordpress.com/blog ), Beyond Oil Blog.

The book, "Transport Beyond Oil" examines the economic, social and
environmental costs of petroleum-dependent transportation, and ways to
create more sustainable transport systems. This blog, by contributor Todd
Litman, discusses the role that more comprehensive and multi-modal
evaluation plays in transport system optimization.


Recent Planetizen Blogs (http://www.planetizen.com/blog/2394 ):

"Low Crime Rates In Large Cities Support Multi-Modal Planning and Smart
Growth" (http://www.planetizen.com/node/65857 ). 

"Abu Dhabi Planning Charrette" (http://www.planetizen.com/node/65335 )

"I have a Problem With Your 'Issues'" (http://www.planetizen.com/node/65156

"Congestion Costing Point-Counter-Point"
(http://www.planetizen.com/node/64947 )


Let's be friends.  Todd Litman regularly posts on his Facebook page (
<http://www.facebook.com/todd.litman> http://www.facebook.com/todd.litman ).
Befriend him now!

                 *    *    *    *    *




"Transportation Equity and Planning: A New Paradigm," keynote speech, Oregon
Public Transit Conference (http://www.oregontransit.com ), 7 October, Bend,


"Healthy and Happy Community Planning," Plan Capital 2030 Design Update
(http://www.planetizen.com/node/65335 ), 18 September, Abu Dhabi, UAE.


"Urban Transportation For People, Not Just Vehicles," Turkey Transport
Forum, 6 September, Istanbul, Turkey.


"Clean Transportation: What Will It Take?" keynote presentation, Hawai'i
Clean Energy Day (http://www.hawaiienergypolicy.hawaii.edu ), 12 July,
Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

                 *    *    *    *    *




"Making the Fiscal and Economic Case for Complete Streets," Complete Streets
Coalition (http://www.CompleteStreets.org ), 14 November, Washington DC.


"The Value of Transit," Transit Connections 2013 Conference, 6 December,
Reno, Nevada.


Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
(http://www.trb.org/annualmeeting2013/annualmeeting2013.aspx )


P14-6525, "The Path Forward" (http://www.vtpi.org/avip.pdf )

Session 188, Workshop on Activity-Travel Behavioral Impacts and Travel
Demand Modeling Implications of Driverless Cars 

Sunday, January 12, 2014, 1:30 pm-4:30 pm, Hilton Towers Hotel


14-4717, "Toward More Comprehensive and Multimodal Transport Economic
Evaluation" (http://www.vtpi.org/comp_evaluation.pdf )

Session 323, Current Issues in Transportation Economics

Monday, January 13, 2014, 10:45am-12:30pm, Hilton, International Center


Sustainable Transportation Indicators Subcommittee, ADD40(1)

Monday, January 13, 2014, 12:15pm- 1:15pm, Hilton, Du Pont


P14-6109, "Valuing and Improving Transportation-Related Data Programs:
Report From 2013 TRB Sessions" (http://www.vtpi.org/TRB_data.pdf ). 

Session 797, Understanding the Role of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Freight

Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 10:15am-12:00pm, Shoreham, Diplomat


The 2nd International Winter Cycling Congress
(http://wintercyclingcongresswinnipeg.org ) will be held 12-13 February
2014, in Winnipeg, Canada. It will provide a venue for delegates from around
the world to share their winter cycling expertise. The Call for Speakers is
open until November 15, 2014.

                 *    *    *    *    *




Transport Day 2013  (http://www.slocat.net/event/721 ), November 17, 2013,
Warsaw, Poland. 

The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport and the Bridging the
Gap Initiative are organizing Transport Day 2013 during the 19th UNFCCC
Conference of Parties (COP 19), to demonstrate the contribution that
transport can make to climate change mitigation and adaptation while also
supporting sustainable development.


2013 Global Report on Human Settlements: Planning and Design for Sustainable
Urban Mobility (http://www.slocat.net/news/1060 ). The 300+ page report by
UN-Habitat describes the current status of sustainable urban mobility, with
more than 30 case studies. It emphasizes that sustainable transport supports
economic and social development in addition to reducing resource consumption
and pollution emissions.  


"Completing Our Streets: The Transition to Safe and Inclusive Transportation
Networks" (http://islandpress.org/ip/books/book/islandpress/C/bo9115674.html
). This new book by Barbara McCann provides detailed information on complete
streets, which are designed to be safe for people of all ages and abilities,
whether they are walking, driving, bicycling, or taking the bus. The book
describes how the complete streets movement united bicycle riders,
transportation practitioners and agencies, public health leaders, older
Americans, and smart growth advocates to reframe roadway design goals and


"Urban Street Design Guide" (http://nacto.org/usdg ). This new report by the
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) provides
guidance on how to make urban streets safe, multi-modal and attractive.

"Abu Dhabi Public Realm Design Manual" (http://www.upc.gov.ae/prdm/index.asp
). This guide by the by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) describes
how municipalities, agencies, designers and developers can create high
quality public. 


"Road Diets: Fitter, Healthier Public Ways"
(http://www.ncchpp.ca/175/publications.ccnpps?id_article=946 ). This
briefing note by Quebec's National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public
Policy introduces the 'road diet,' an engineering technique that redesigns
arterial roadways to control traffic speeds and better accommodate walking,
cycling and public transit. Also see, "Evaluating Complete Streets"
(http://www.vtpi.org/compstr.pdf ) which discusses the benefits of road
diets and complete streets policies.

Google Maps for Planners (
http://courses.planetizen.com/course/google-maps ) is a 40-minute online
course that decribes how to select and produce specialized maps, digitize
data, publish and share resulting maps, and how to embed your map in a
website or integrate it with Google Earth.


Better Block (http://www.betterblock.org ) helps communities revived and
improve area safety, health, and economics by redeveloping local commercial
areas. Better Block projects have been developed throughout the World with
many of the temporary infrastructure improvements and businesses made


EcoMobility World Festival ( <http://www.ecomobilityfestival.org/>
http://www.ecomobilityfestival.org ) held in Suwon City, South Korea. This
Festival highlights the creative ways that South Korea is supporting
sustainable transportation. This short, well-written article describes a day
in the life of a wheelchair user (
5Btt_news%5D=136&cHash=f0a35824b163952a31a8f9557b83d983 ). It conveys an
important message - that a transportation system should be evaluated based
on the quality of service of the most vulnerable users.


"Promoting Low Carbon Transport in India-NMT Infrastructure in India:
Investment, Policy and Design"
(http://account.createsend.ie/t/r-l-nyhjyid-tyqhhlihr-uj ). The report
highlights appropriate policy and design interventions that can encourage
non-motorized travel (NMT) in Indian cities. 


"What Works: Affordable Housing Initiatives in Metro Vancouver
aspx ). This document identifies effective municipal measures that help
increase housing affordability and diversity, including examples of
affordable housing projects and programs, and discussion of lessons learned
and potential next steps.


"Places In The Making: How Placemaking Builds Places And Communities"
(http://dusp.mit.edu/cdd/project/placemaking ) 

This report describes the concept of 'placemaking', identifies various
placemaking indicators, and describes examples of successful placemaking.


The California Active Transportation Safety Information Pages
(http://www.catsip.berkeley.edu ), by the University of California, is a
comprehensive source of information on walking and cycling improvements. 


"Evaluating Selected Costs Of Automobile-Oriented Transportation Systems
>From A Sustainability Perspective"
(www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210539513000059 ). This study
published in the Journal of Research in Transportation Business & Management
found that U.S. states with higher automobile commute mode shares also have
higher rates of per capita vehicle travel, traffic fatalities, household and
government transportation expenditures, and carbon emissions. 


Transit in Small Cities: A Primer for Planning, Siting and Designing Transit
Facilities in Oregon
(http://www.oregon.gov/LCD/TGM/docs/fulltransitprimer4-4-13.pdf ). This
excellent report provides guidance on planning, designing, and locating
transit facilities (e.g., bus shelters, signage, access-ways to transit
stops, and other amenities) to support transit systems, particularly in
rural communities. For a list of other excellent publications see ODOT's
Growth Management Publications
(http://www.oregon.gov/LCD/TGM/Pages/publications.aspx )


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) YouTube video
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZaOlH59mqo), by Institute for
Transportation and Development Policy (http://mexico.itdp.org ). It is in
Spanish, select the "CC" button English translation. Also see their
infographic, "Lo que nadie dice sobre el estacionamiento" ("What Nobody Says
About Parking")
tacionamiento ).


"World Transit Research Quarterly Newsletter"
(http://www.worldtransitresearch.info/newsletter ). This bi-monthly
newsletter by Monash University's Institute of Transport Studies provides
free access to research reports and journal articles related to public
transport planning. 


"The Association Between Light Rail Transit And Satisfactions With Travel
And Life: Evidence From Twin Cities"
(http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11116-013-9455-8 ). This study
evaluated the effects of high quality public transit (Minneapolis' Hiawatha
line) on residents' life satisfaction. It indicates that high quality
transit positively influences life satisfaction through enhanced access to
various activities.


"Multimodal Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool" (http://tredis.com/mbca ) is a free,
Internet-based calculation system for comparing the costs and user benefits
of individual transportation projects. MBCA is unique in that it covers both
passenger and freight transportation spanning all modes - walking, cycling,
road, rail, air and marine. 


"Why We Drive: The Past, Present and Future of Automobiles"
(http://microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/books/3906/ ). 

This sweet little book by Andy Singer (www.andysinger.com ) includes
numerous cartoons, photos and text that illustrate how our transportation
systems became automobile dependent, the problems that result, and ways to
correct them, including planning reforms and political action. The
information is easy to understand but fully cited so you can find more
resources on these issues.

"A New Way to Go: The Transportation Apps and Vehicle-Sharing Tools that Are
Giving More Americans the Freedom to Drive Less"
.pdf ). 

This study investigates the degree that technology and social networking
innovations are changing transportation options and behaviors, and
identifies specific policy reforms to support innovation implementation. 

                 *    *    *    *    *


Please let us know if you have comments or questions about any information
in this newsletter, or if you would like to be removed from our email list.
And please pass this newsletter on to others who may find it useful.



Todd Litman

Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org)

litman at vtpi.org


Phone & Fax 250-360-1560

1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, CANADA

"Efficiency - Equity - Clarity"


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