[sustran] Guangzhou joins the list of cities in China with a quota for new vehicles

FEKBRITTON fekbritton at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 22:19:05 JST 2012

On Behalf Of Sujit Patwardhan   Sent: Tuesday, 03 July, 2012 09:17

Agree with you Carlos. We have a similar situation in India as you know. People will make any excuses to postpone TDM - reasons of aspiration, rising incomes, rising population (yes even that), expression of status, and now the economic justification (a variation on "what's good for General Motors is good for

America") as India becomes the hub for manufacture of automobiles and and auto ancillaries.


We need TDM NOW !!!! and each year we delay putting this in place we are going to lose valuable urban assets, human lives and recognizable features of our great cities.





Dear Sujit and All,


(Building on this morning's good base including my latest post addressed to Carlos and All.)


You know very well after all of these years that I fully agree with your excellent from the heart call: "We need TDM NOW !!!! and each year we delay putting this in place we are going to lose valuable urban assets, human lives and recognizable features of our great cities."


But that's my point really.  Quotas like this and odd-even schemes are not Transportation Demand Management  -- in themselves they tend stand apart, somehow towering over and obscuring the rest.  


If we bear in mind that after a couple of decades of hard work on many parts that today TDM  offers us  a rich toolkit of multi-point integrated strategies and policies to reduce travel demand, and as a fundamental underpinning SOV use, there is certainly plenty of room for integrating a rich tapestry of projects and measures which, if they are got right, will certainly do a lot more for equitable mobility, life quality for all, environment and overall systemic efficiency than the quotas themselves. 


Let me have a closer look at the package of integrated TDM  measures and policies which are accompanying the quota projects.   I can only hope they are world level and a lesson for us all. . . 


Because, dear Sujit, as the wise man said:  "Each year we delay putting this in place we are going to lose valuable urban assets, human lives and recognizable features of our great cities."






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