[sustran] Jakarta plans "Odds and Evens" license plate traffic rationing

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sun Dec 23 03:45:41 JST 2012

Dear All,

This is a good discussion and I am delighted to see the alternative perspectives being expressed here. I have been tempted to chime in but as I waited I saw that much of what I would have had to add is already on line. So much the better. 

One of the things I like about these discussions and the topic is that it can get quite funny. And humor opens the brain.

I wonder if we might not now give them a second life to a somewhat broader audience or at least different than ours here, namely to push the entire cycle from first to latest as a series of "Comments" on World Streets. If that seems like an idea to you, what I would need from as many of the players who wish, would be their OK plus a dated copy of their communication(s). Also it would be good to have a short say three line bio note, some contact information and a pic. In this way our readers would have a more human view of the topic. 

Let me know if this works for you and I can get right to it. 

Regards/Eric Britton

PS. If the topic 'Signals, Perception, Behavior: Questions, Blurs and Hints" interests you may want to have a look at http://wp.me/psKUY-2GD.  It is a pretty contentious piece so if you are moved to critique or comment, it will be great to have your reflections.

"In transportation circles, most often in Europe but not uniquely there, we often hear the term “behavior modification”, which is usually brandished as something brain2that somebody else has to learn to do and cope with. More often than not this matter of behavior modification when it comes to how, when and where people drive cars, but we can also hear about it with reference to pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers and street denizens. And as we can see from the results, this matter of behavior and modification turns out to be quite a challenge. Let us consider briefly the case of the sensory and choice network of an average driver."

PPS.  The discussions that we housed on Free Public Transport have been one of the most widely read topics that we have ever had the pleasure of publishing in the four years of our existence. You can check that out at http://worldstreets.wordpress.com/category/free-public-transport/.  Kindest thanks to all of you who pitched in there. 

  Francis  Eric Knight-Britton, Managing Director /  Editor 
  New Mobility Partnerships   | World Streets  |  W/S on Facebook   | On Twitter  |  xCar  
  9, rue Gabillot   69003 Lyon France  |  T. +339 8326 9459| M. +336 5088 0787  | E. eric.britton at ecoplan.org   |  S. newmobility
  9440 Readcrest Drive. Los Angeles, CA  90210  |   Tel. +1 213  985 3501  |  eric.britton at newmobility.org  |  Skype: ericbritton
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