[sustran] Weekend Conceit: "Architects have built a rubber...

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sun Dec 9 21:45:55 JST 2012

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1:23pm Dec 9 

Weekend Conceit: "Architects have built a rubber road in a Russian forest, Fast Track, exploring more commuter-friendly transport options"

So....it's for lumberjacks?

No, it's for jumping jacks.

Don't start.

No, it's for humping yaks.

No, it's for bumping scats.

No, it's for thumping quacks!

Trumping hacks?

No, it's for psychotic yaks.

Yeah right, because this story is serious business isn't it. Also, jumpi... nah just kidding.


See what you've started?

I simply must go to Russia. Right now.

Because walking is just SO last century

I wonder whether they had to write an 'impact' assessment

I heard the funding bounced?

One small step for a man ... whoooa...I meant a small step


 <http://www.facebook.com/l/YAQFlLQ6rAQHKxo-Qys17wT49ACiciMUoeh6nSF1FS4WL5Q/www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2012/dec/03/trampoline-architecture-installation-fast-track> The trampoline that could help you bounce in to work


Architects have built a rubber road in a Russian forest, Fast Track, exploring more commuter-friendl...


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