[sustran] parallel group page on Facebook - for comment

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Mon Feb 28 02:09:54 JST 2011

As many of you are aware, I am forever on the lookout for the way to expand
the reach and depth of our group bringing in new people and groups sharing
our interests.  With that in view I took a hack only today at seeing what
might come of creating a parallel group page on Facebook, which you can now
find in test form at Sustran Global South at
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_114812801926302 . As I posted in
setting it up:


Here's the idea which I put before you for your comments and suggestions
this morning. If you go the Sustran-discuss group/forum at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sustran-discuss/, you will find a wonderful
collaborative platform for exchanging information, ideas and comments which
has been on line for peer exchanges in matters involving specifically
sustainable transport in the Global South for more than a dozen years now.
But as we have seen in our linking World Streets (www.WorldStreets.org) to a
parallel Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/worldstreets, there is
good potential for creative interaction in the latter which increases both
the reach and the depth of the discussions. The W/S facebook page, for
example, currently brings in an additional 500-plus cogent minds to the


The theory is that you set it up, invite others who in your view share these
interest, and then just sit back and see what happens. And if after a couple
of weeks we find that it it's general mess and is not adding anything
useful, all it takes is one quick trip to Delete, and it is behind us. I
look forward to your reactions and ideas on this. 


It's another approach, not for everyone that is for sure, but as I mentioned
there is scope for creative interaction and synergies. I have made an effort
to invite colleagues from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East as well as
Asia.  Since we are still a minority no the transport policy scene, we need
all the allies and partners we can find. Have a look and tell me what you


Eric Britton





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