[sustran] Car dominated "vision" - destroying our cities

eric britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Wed Nov 10 17:33:55 JST 2010

Thanks Sujit.  You know that we are presently working hard to create the
working frame for India Streets, in the hope of turning it into something
really useful in support of the uphill push to sustainable streets and
sustainable cities across India.  

One of the working tools we have in the lower half of each page of the
journal (Resources) is a short read-out of the latest half dozen postings to
Sustran -- and of course your mention today of the Bangalore article is
right there at the top.  That's good. 

But I thought we might wish to consider something a bit more and more
visible. So this morning we opened up a Bad News Dept, where as our first
entry of honor you will find the Deccan Herald article only one click away. 

May I ask for all your views and thoughts on that? Is this a good idea? And
if so, please consider this an invitation to keep us informed of 'Bad
Practices" (from which incidentally I am convinced we have more to learn
than from the so-called Best Practices of which we hear so much).

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