[sustran] No Accident: Traffic and Pedestrians in the Modern City

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sat May 15 02:18:23 JST 2010

No Accident: Traffic and Pedestrians in the Modern City 
As most of our regular readers are well aware World Streets is no friend of
speed in cities. To the contrary, it is our firm position that a
considerable number of the basic objectives associated with sustainable
mobility and sustainable cities can be achieved if we do no more than to
reduce top speeds in and around our cities in a strategic and carefully
thought-out way. The great technological virtuosity of traffic engineers and
technical planners permit us to do this while at the same time retaining a
well working transportation system, a healthier city, and a viable local
economy. Listen to what John Rennie Short and Luis Mauricio Pinet-Peralta
have to tell us on the subject.

Article freely available in World Streets <http://www.worldstreets.org/>
today at www.WorldStreets.org 
Discussion in New Mobility Forum. <http://www.newmobility.org/>   Post to
NewMobilityCafe at yahoogroups.com 
Eric Britton <http://www.britton.newmobility.org/>  | World Streets
<http://www.worldstreets.org/>  | The New Mobility Agenda
<http://www.newmobility.org/>  | Paris  | +331 7550 3788| Skype newmobility


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