[sustran] Prisoner of car? (Note from Communications 101)

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Wed Apr 28 18:41:48 JST 2010

Prisoner of car? (Note from Communications 101)
1600/ws-roadrage.jpg> If it is your firm belief that God is on our side
(Gott mit uns) and that we are winning the battle of sustainable transport
and sustainable lives, you will probably have little use for anything that
might show up on a popular environmental site like TreeHugger. But hey! we
are losing, so we need to be prepared to use every trick, talent and channel
we can lay our hands on. Here is a piece that appeared in TreeHugger last
week that will tell you, dear reader, nothing you do not already know -- but
it is the telling of it that is the point. Let me put that in other words:
we have plenty to learn from them when it comes to getting our message
across to the general public. And that includes thee . . . and me.

r-car.php>  No More: 6 Alternatives to Your Car
Article freely available in World Streets today at www.WorldStreets.org 
Eric Britton | World Streets <http://www.worldstreets.org/>  | The New
Mobility Agenda  <http://www.newmobility.org/>  | Paris  | +331 7550 3788|
Skype newmobility  



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