[sustran] Applicability of Post 2012 Climate Instruments for the Transport Sector (draft report)

Cornie Huizenga cornie.huizenga at slocatpartnership.org
Mon Dec 14 16:43:20 JST 2009

The post 2012 Climate Instruments in the transport sector (CITS) project
implemented by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), in cooperation with the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is a first step to help ensure that
the transport sector can benefit from the revised/new climate change
mitigation instruments under a post-2012 Climate Change Agreement. The CITS
project is a contribution to the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon
Transport. A draft report has been published for comments. Key messages of
the draft report are:

   - NAMAs may provide better opportunities for the transport sector than
   current mechanisms
   - Existing modeling studies and marginal abatement cost curves often do
   not capture the full costs and benefits of transport interventions, notable
   those related to ‘avoid’ and ‘shift’.
   - Support for NAMAs in the transport sector may need to focus on ‘barrier
   removal cost’ rather than incremental cost which is done conventionally.
   Capacity building and policy support may be important components.
   - Including co-benefits for local air quality, reduced congestion and
   energy security in the appraisal of climate related transport interventions
   often reduces the GHG abatement cost significantly, however quantification
   remains challenging.
   - NAMA financing and other international sources of funding may be
   targeted at similar (elements of) interventions in the transport sector, and
   therefore their relation needs further exploration.
   - MRV of transport measures is likely to be challenging, and there is a
   need for better activity level data and development of methodologies. A
   certain degree of uncertainty however may need to be accepted, as baselines
   are hard to establish.

Please send your comments and feedback to Cornie Huizenga (
chuizenga at slocatpartnership.org) and Stefan Bakker (bakker at ecn.nl)


Cornie Huizenga
Joint Convener
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport
Mobile: +86 13901949332
cornie.huizenga at slocatpartnership.org

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