[sustran] Re: "India is on the road to a transport revolution"

Lee Schipper SCHIPPER at wri.org
Wed May 3 19:21:55 JST 2006

If Eric liked that he'd LOVE a presentation by the guru of the Delhi
Metro. Made up numbers and all!

>>> eric.britton at ecoplan.org 5/3/2006 6:07:23 AM >>>
Dear Sunny,


This is a satire, isn't it? The sort of multi-layered complex big fish
Indian tale that we of the West are not expected to be able ever to
penetrate.  A rich private yarn, is it?


If so, it's a real good one. I especially liked the name choice for
"34-year-old scion", Yohan Poonawalla, of Pune nonetheless. And you
the stuff about Mumbai, cows and "people", well that is very refined.
indeed is all the rest.


Keep it coming Guardian. Har har har.


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