[sustran] Re: Auto-rickshaws in Mumbai

Lloyd Wright lfwright at usa.net
Tue Mar 14 06:31:49 JST 2006

Well, if the auto-rickshaws become cycle rickshaws the jobs are saved and air
quality will benefit.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 04:09:17 PM EST
From: Alan P Howes <alan at ourpeagreenboat.co.uk>
To: sustran-discuss at list.jca.apc.orgCc: alok.bhardwaj at tcs.com,
arun.mokashi at tcs.com
Subject: [sustran] Auto-rickshaws in Mumbai

BUT, they provide a livelihood for 1,00,000 families - even if the
number of buses had to be increased to cater for the extra passengers
(which is doubtful), they would not soak up a fraction of the jobs -
and BEST already employs more staff per bus than most urban buscos in

So has anyone got any bright suggestions for squaring this circle?

(NB - Mumbai, with a population of 16m, apparently only has 5,00,000
formal jobs - difficult to soak up 1,00,000 guys there.  And also NB -
those commas in numbers are in the right place - for India.)

Regards, Alan

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