[sustran] Terrorism, Transit and Public Safety

Eric Britton eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sun Jul 10 01:38:21 JST 2005

Dear Friends,

I do not think this is either the place and certainly not the time for this
discussion.  That said I am sure that there are other news groups that will
be delighted to host such discussions and would be pleased to do the search
necessary to point anyone who wishes to pursue this in the right direction.

And while I personally feel that this is not a useful thread to pursue, at
all, this is purely a personal view which I hold only for myself.

That said if we really wish to be useful and wise on our topic, which after
all is the tough up-hill slog to more sustainable and fairer mobility and
access, I think we might in all decency wait for the bleeding to stop in
London.  Then later if we still feel this to be worth pursuing -- and
bearing in mind that in a world of finite time and finite resources any
topic much compete against others, which may just be more fruitful and
relevant -- then we can see about whether this is our best investment, or

Eric Britton

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