[sustran] transport externalities studies in the South?

eric.britton at ecoplan.org eric.britton at ecoplan.org
Sun Feb 20 16:44:01 JST 2000

Paul Barter writes of this date:
 "What studies have actually been done for developing (and transition)
economies that attempt to put an economic value on the road transport
externalities, particularly Accidents, Air Pollution, Noise and Congestion?
While such studies have, as you know, multiplied rapidly for most of the
OECD countries over the last decade, we know of relatively few for
developing countries, and we suspect that there are quite a lot of studies
done by local governments, universities and NGOs that we are not aware of.

May we turn this into (a) a shared bibliography (which we would be pleased
to keep posted and up to date as new things roll in on the @Access on the
Web site at http://www.ecoplan.org/access; and (b) to the extent possible
provide either links or actually pop key reports into the @libraries of both
the Sustran and the @ccess sites where we have some capacity to do this sort
of thing.

My point is that these are such critical issues and if all of us have better
command of the both the bottom line numbers and the ways in which they are
being reached, we will all be just that much better off.  (Also, I guess I
must admit that I just hate it when good information either gets caught in a
corner or becomes proprietary to some individual or group.  We have seen all
too much of that in the last decades and it has done the people of Third
World cities not a whole lot of good.)

Does that sound about right Paul?

Eric Britton

ecopl at n ___  technology, economy, society  ___
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