[sustran] Re: Sustaainable Transport Planning in the Third World

SAVE BOMBAY COMMITEE kisansbc at bom5.vsnl.net.in
Sun Apr 16 04:27:48 JST 2000


> Dear friends,
> Eric Britton has raised very pertinant issues as to what could be a
> Sustainable Transport planning for the Third World?  Developing
> countries - especially their politicians are all out to support
> motorisation through more roads,  fly overs, subsidised fuel,  no tax
> on  private cars easy finance to acquire cars and added to this is the
> car manufacturers of the World  USA Japan, Korea, Europe  all looking
> to developing countries as the hot market for their cars.
> Advertisements appearing in newspapers would show that hot competition
> to letter the other manufacturer is on.
> Probably car sharing or car free days will not work.  Pedestrian
> oriented public transport policy and upgraded fuel  quality fuel can
> lift the developing countries out of the morose conditions.  The
> SUSTRAN shall  have to develop models for burgeoning cities of the
> develop countries for public discussion and alternate options as
> politicians and administrators are encouraging motorisation.  Best
> wishes.
> Kisan Mehta
> President
> Save Bombay Committee
> 620 Jame Jamshed Road, Dadar East,
> MUMBAI  - 400 014
> Tel 00 91 22 414 96 88
> Fax 00 91 22 415 55 36

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