[sustran] restrictions to vehicular circulation

Raul O'Ryan roryan at dii.uchile.cl
Tue Mar 30 02:27:29 JST 1999

Dear list:

In Santiago, Chile, car circulation has been restricted since 1986 due to
air pollution problems (it is called "restricción vehicular"). This
restriction has taken many forms, however currently 20% of non-cathalytic
cars are prohibited from circulating each weekday. 

I am interested in evaluating the long-term effects of this restriction,
since in the Mexican experience it seems that the final result is actually
a long term increase in emissions due to an increase in the number of
households with two or more vehicles, and the reasignment of activities to
other days of the week.

I have not been able to find much literature on the subject. Does anyone
have information on other experiences with vehicle circulation
restrictions? Are there evaluations of these experiences? If there is any
study with a proposition ona methodological approach to evaluate the
impact, it would also be useful.

I look forward to your feedback,

Raúl O'Ryan.

Raúl O'Ryan

Raúl O'Ryan
Centro de Economía Aplicada /Center for Applied Economics
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial/Industrial Engineering Dept
Universidad de Chile

y / and

Programa de Gestión y Economía Ambiental /Program for
 Environmental Economics and Management
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial/Industrial Engineering Dept
Universidad de Chile

Republica 701 
Santiago, Chile
fono/phone: (56-2) 678-4524 , 678-4061
fax: (56-2) 689-7895


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