[sustran] Social Exclusion & Transport - UK-based discussion list

SUSTRAN Resource Centre sustran at po.jaring.my
Wed Apr 21 14:37:21 JST 1999

Subject: Social Exclusion & Transport
From: "Jeff Turner" <mfksjmt at fs1.ar.man.ac.uk>

Dear colleagues,

A discussion list has been set up to discuss the issue of Social 
Exclusion and Transport. It's role is to support policy research 
into the link between social exclusion & poor public transport. 
It will be of interest to transport researchers, social policy 
specialists, urban regeneration experts as well as practitioners 
and policy makers. 

If you are interested in joininig and I hope you will be, please 
send message to 

mailbase at mailbase.ac.uk 

with only the following in the body of the message:

JOIN setnet firstname lastname

The discussion list SETNET was  set up after a workshop on 
Social Exclusion & Transport held at Manchester University back 
last November. As an outcome of that workshop I have set-up a 
web site on Social Excluison & Transport at:


I am keen to have this site contain examples of good practice that
deal with tackling the negative role of transport in maintaining
social exclusion.

I would be most grateful if you could tell me of any examples of good
or inovative practice that you know of that would like to see included
in this site. If you know of any example in other countries that too
would be useful.

I am also interested in the question of how might non-transport 
interventions improve the access to opportunities and services of
socially-excluded groups - how might communication technology and the
Internet improve access and reduce the need for time to travel? 

If you have any thoughts on what role there is for non-transport
interventions or any examples of the effectiveness such measures then
please the discussion list know.

Is there anything else you think a Web page on Social Exclusion &
Transport should have on it?

Here's to a fruitul discussion on this issue.

Jeff Turner
Research Fellow
Dept. of Planning
University of Manchester

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