[sustran] Road users' tax

Paul Barter tkpb at barter.pc.my
Wed Jul 15 10:00:08 JST 1998

Dear sustran-discussers

A question from Ramon Fernan of Cycling Advocates (CYCAD) in the
Philiippines.  I will try to list a reading or two... but many heads are
better than one.

>From: cycad at po.pacific.net.ph
>To: tkpb at barter.pc.my, mobility at igc.apc.org
>Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 20:45:11 +0000
>Subject: Road users' tax
>According to a news article in today's papers, the Phil. government
>is considering a road user's tax as one way to increase revenues and
>decrease the government's projected budget deficit. Can you refer me
>to readings on the effective of this tax and how it should be
>effectively charged? Thanks.

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