[sustran] Berkeley students join list group

Robert Cervero Rob_Cervero at ced.berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 23 02:28:33 JST 1998

Paul Barter:

Hi.  I'm writing just to let you know I've ask all my students -- about 20 --
who are enrolled in a new graduate course I'm teaching at Berkeley on
transport (with a developing countries focus) to join your list
service/chat group.
I find your forum a good source of information and lively discussions.  I'm
hoping my
class can learn from the debates and perhaps occasionally contribute to it.

I hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to alert you to the fact that
about 20 Berkeley
graduate students will probably be e-mailing you soon to join the list.

By the way, Jeff Kenworthy spent a few days at Berkeley a few months ago.
It was the
first time I met him personally, even though we've long been aware of each
work and had communicated often via cyberspace.  Quite a nice chap.


Robert Cervero

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