[sustran] motorcycle behaviour modelling

Mark Zuidgeest zui at ihe.nl
Wed Apr 15 18:39:05 JST 1998

The use of motorcycles is increasing tremendously in a.o. some Asian and
African cities. The proper understanding of their behaviour in a traffic 
stream at intersection approaches may lead to:

1. Better design of intersections;
2. Estimate of environmental capacity of intersections with high
   percentage of motor cycles in a traffic stream.

At present we are intending to pursue a research on this topic.

Therefore, we kindly request for literature on related topics and/or
relevant data (counts, observations, video material).

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tarig O. Medani
Mark Zuidgeest

Mark Zuidgeest          

IHE Transport and Road Engineering Department (T&RE)
P.O.Box 3015
2601 DA  Delft
The Netherlands
tel. +31(0)15.2151840
fax. +31(0)15.2122921

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