[sustran] Transport in the South

Kerry Wood kwood at central.co.nz
Wed Apr 1 10:38:32 JST 1998

Sarah Roberts wrote

>At the International Insitute for Environment and Development in London (a not
>for profit research and policy institute) we are doing some work on
>perspectives and action on sustainable consumption in the South for the UK
>Department for International Development.Transport is one of the key sectors
>that we are looking at.
>I am hoping that members of sustrans-discuss might help us make this section a
>pertinent and hard-hitting one....

In New Zealand there have been some good studies done by the Ministry of
Transport, looking at the vehicle fleet fuel efficiency, external costs,
valuing the road network etc. But unfortunately there has been very little
The most relevant report is:

Greenhouse gas emissions from NZ Transport (106 pages + appendices)
from MoT, P O Box 3175, Wellington, New Zealand

Little or no information is available on the non-motorised modes. I am
writing a thesis on bicycle safety, and I have been unable to find out even
whether cycling is getting safer or more dangerous. Probably the latter.

Now the government is thinking about corporatising the roads. If they go
ahead it will certailny be interesting...


Kerry Wood
Transport Consultant
Phone/fax + 64 4 801 5549  e-mail kwood at central.co.nz
1 McFarlane St  Wellington 6001  New Zealand

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