[sustran] Accidents in Urban Areas

zilan.moura at quasar.com.br zilan.moura at quasar.com.br
Thu Sep 4 01:29:48 JST 1997


SU>I am looking for data on traffic accidents in urban areas of both developing
SU>and industrialized countries.  

SU>Any leads, references, personal papers, data on this topic would be most

SU>Christopher Zegras

Below I send you some data that i found about acidents on a book
published in Brasil :

Title :    Transporte Urbano nos Paises em Desenvolvimento
Author : Eduardo A. Vasconcelos

Death in transit
Selected countries

Country                              death/year                
death/10.000 vehicles

USA (1)                              44.241                         3
France (1)                          11.685                         6
Germany (1)                       10.199                        4
Japan (1)                            9.262                          2
Brasil (2)                             34.000                        20
India (3)                              40.300                        39
China (4)                             50.441                        48
Nigeria                                8.936                          

(1) - 1984, OECD (1986 Table I-1), Deaths/10.000 vehicles are
(2) - 1986 CET (1992); estimated added 35% to the accidents reported on
site to compensate not reported deaths afterwards.
(3) - 1986: Button (1993)
(4) - 1989; Navin, Bergen and Qi (1994)
(5) - 1980: Barett (1988)

Urban Deaths in selected cities

City                          Deaths/10.000 Vehicles

Fortaleza (Brasil)              18.9
Salvador (Brasil)               18.1
Bombai (India)                   11.6
Recife (Brasil)                    8.3
Sao Paulo (Brasil)              7.9
Chicago (USA)                    2.2
New York (USA)                  1.6
Los Angeles (USA)             1.6
Tokyo (Japan)                     1.1

Ref.: UNCHS, 1992, CET 1992 and Denatran 1995

Death causes in development countries

Cause                                  Cases (%)
Diareia                                42.3
Tuberculosis                       18.5
Acidents                               17.7
Infections                              13.3
Malaria                                  4.2
others                                     4.0

Ref.: Punyahotra (1979)

Hope this data will help.

Zilan Moura

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