[asia-apec 1300] Fw: International Youth & Student Hui Conference Declaration

APEC Monitoring Group notoapec at clear.net.nz
Sat Sep 18 05:40:51 JST 1999

>>International Youth & Student Hui Conference Declaration
>>We 27 Youth and Students gathered here for the International Youth &
>>Student Hui Against APEC and Globalization on September 14 - 15 1999 at Te
>>Piringatahi o Maungaarongo Marae o Aotearoa,
>>re-affirm our commitment to strengthen the students position against APEC
>>and Globalization.
>>We suffer with our people under Globalization and its policies of
>>privatization, deregulation and liberalization which commodify our land,
>>resources and people.
>>Therefore, we will continue to rouse, organize and mobilize students
>>against Imperialism and the Imperialist agenda of Globalization and APEC.
>>We will strive to strengthen our movements at the local, national and
>>international level. This will come about by linking the youth and student
>>movement with oppressed sectors - workers, unemployed, tangata whenua,
>>immigrant communities, peasants and women.
>>Students of the Asia-Pacific have a long and proud tradition of militant
>>struggle and of serving the people. We celebrate the success this struggle
>>has brought and commit ourselves to follow in the footsteps of those
>>us, learning from their difficulties but re-affirm their commitment to an
>>end to oppression.
>>Helen Te Hira
>>Liaison and Campaigns Organiser
>>Auckland University Students' Association
>>Ph: 64-9-3090789x260
>>"Washing one's hand of the the conflict between the powerful and the
>>powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral"
>>                                                                     -
>>Paulo Freire

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